The ACG's committees have evolved over the years in response to changes in law and practice, and to reflect new challenges:
Chair: Paul Dicken, Director, Brand Protection, Liverpool Football Club
Vice-Chair: Nicola Consterdine, IP Protection Manager, Corporate Compliance, Epson Europe BV
The Brands Advisory Committee provides a forum for ACG Brand Members, and their Professional Member representatives, to examine and provide input on ACG services and programmes. The Advisory Committee seeks to obtain insights and recommendations from a diverse selection of Brand Members in order to guide the ACG Secretariat and Board of Directors on improving the overall experience of ACG membership. Moreover, the Committee is responsible for monitoring the workstreams of the Steering Committees and make recommendations for areas of focus and the establishment of additional Steering Committees, Working Groups or Taskforces.
The Advisory Committee is open to all ACG Brand Members, and Professional Members representing declared ACG Brand Members.
The Advocacy and Public Policy Steering Committee monitors, develops and implements advocacy strategies to address legislative and public policy issues at local, national and international levels to advance the policy priorities of ACG Members. The Committee supports the ACG Secretariat in the drafting of position papers on such issues to be adopted and circulated to appropriate government officials, the membership and the public. Importantly, the Committee also cultivates and strengthens relationships and understanding between Members and elected/appointed officials across all levels of government by hosting various initiatives, programs and providing proactive or reactive input to such officials.
The Steering Committee is open to all Brand Members, Professional Members and Allied Members.
The Intelligence & Enforcement Steering Committee identifies and monitors physical and online counterfeit threats impacting Brand Members, and advises the ACG Secretariat on the development of prevention, enforcement and disruption strategies related to these threats. The Committee supports the work of the ACG Intelligence & Strategic Initiatives Manager and acts as a sounding board for new initiatives and operations. Importantly, the Committee serves as a forum in which Members can discuss their experiences, exchange intelligence and share best practices in the fight against counterfeits
The Steering Committee is open to all Brand Members, Professional Members and Allied Members.
The Events Steering Committee advises the ACG Secretariat on the development of our events programme and identifies opportunities for new IP trainings, roundtables and other events. The Committee is responsible for monitoring the quality and relevance of our events for ACG members and providing constructive feedback to improve our events programme. The Committee supports the work of the ACG Events Manager and acts as a sounding board for new events and programs.
The Steering Committee is open to all Brand Members, Professional Members and Allied Members.
ACG represents more than 3,000 brands affected by this influx of fakes into the UK and delivers an international network of information, advice and contacts on all aspects of IP protection. Working with Government and law enforcement agencies since 1980, ACG is focused on providing an effective and sustained response to counterfeiting.
Membership with the ACG is the best way to work with government and enforcement bodies to protect your brand. Our Roadshows and training days help you reach out to police, trading standards and border force officers and tell them about your genuine products.