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21 February 2023
Crimestoppers has recently launched a new campaign, supported by the ACG and Amazon, which highlights the risks of buying counterfeit goods and how to spot fake products.
18 October 2021
On the one-year anniversary of its launch, the Amazon Counterfeit Crimes Unit celebrates its successes and highlights the key impediments to holding more counterfeiters accountable.
10 May 2021
Amazon said Monday it blocked more than 10 billion suspected listings of counterfeit goods on its platform last year as part of a global crackdown in the face of pressure from consumers, brands and regulators.
02 March 2021
ACG members met with Amazon today for a Q&A session where Amazon went through their policies, tools, regulations and reporting techniques, that brand owners should use which will help support brands in combating the sale of counterfeit goods on Amazon's e-commerce website.
09 February 2021
Amazon met with ACG members today for a roundtable discussion about their most recent features and new initiatives helping our members protect their intellectual property (IP). A fantastic turn out of more than 60 delegates joined in on the discussion and got to meet the team of experts and what goes on behind the scenes of the e-commerce selling site.
30 October 2020
Read ACG's Director General, Phil Lewis's blog for his views on how criminals will exploit this opportunity and put consumers at risk.
17 February 2020
Once again, we are seeing how adept criminals are at infiltrating major e-commerce platforms and placing cheap, dangerous products for sale. A host of life-threatening children's car seats, were discovered for sale on several platforms, by BBC Panorama, and while there is no obvious evidence that the products were counterfeit, they were clearly designed to look like well-known makes. They even included labels with fraudulent ECE codes, to signify that they have been put through EU safety testing and could be legally sold on the UK market.
20 December 2019
Buying counterfeit Christmas gifts has much wider implications than many imagine. Eighty-three per cent of all fakes come from South East Asia and are the result of workers, including children, held in some of the world's worst sweatshop factories.
10 December 2019
Budgets are stretched and stores are selling out, so some shoppers might be tempted to look at cheaper versions available online or in the high street. But this is also where counterfeit traders are taking advantage and cashing in.
10 December 2019
Christmas shoppers are being warned to watch out for fake and potentially dangerous toys that could contain toxic materials, and pose serious choking or hearing hazards for young children.
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ACG represents more than 3,000 brands affected by this influx of fakes into the UK and delivers an international network of information, advice and contacts on all aspects of IP protection. Working with Government and law enforcement agencies since 1980, ACG is focused on providing an effective and sustained response to counterfeiting.
Membership with the ACG is the best way to work with government and enforcement bodies to protect your brand. Our Roadshows and training days help you reach out to police, trading standards and border force officers and tell them about your genuine products.