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Camden Raid Action

09 September 2020

Yesterday 18 ACG brands and representatives joined forces with Camden Trading Standards to carry out a raid on Camden Town, London as part of an ongoing ACG/Camden TS initiative - Operation Cayman.

The raid action saw 100’s of counterfeit goods being seized from high street shops including handbags, scarfs, mobile phone accessories, belts, accessories and electronic items.

Op Cayman was created to reduce the availability of counterfeits by coordinating regular raid actions in Camden (High Street and Markets) to reduce the impact on brands from the sale of these goods.

Graham Mogg, ACG’s Intelligence Coordinator said:

 “Many ACG member brands are struggling to cope with the impact of COVID 19 so it’s important that we maintain our operational activities and remove counterfeits from the High Street. Huge thanks to Camden TS and our members for making the operation a success”

About ACG

ACG represents more than 3,000 brands affected by this influx of fakes into the UK and delivers an international network of information, advice and contacts on all aspects of IP protection. Working with Government and law enforcement agencies since 1980, ACG is focused on providing an effective and sustained response to counterfeiting.

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Membership with the ACG is the best way to work with government and enforcement bodies to protect your brand. Our Roadshows and training days help you reach out to police, trading standards and border force officers and tell them about your genuine products.

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