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ACG Protecting Brands Online Roundtable with Alibaba

09 November 2021

The Anti-Counterfeiting Group (ACG) brand members got another chance to meet with Alibaba and their brand protection team. Although a very small team they have an extensive portfolio of B2B, C2C and B2C platforms of which Alibaba own. Today Alibaba shown the ACG that 80% of the world’s most valuable consumer brands are on Alibaba’s platforms and that they are committed to protecting their Intellectual Property (IP) rights.

Alibaba showed ACG members what Intellectual Property Right Protections Programmes they have available to help brand owners to get rid of fakes on the platforms. These include, IPP Portal (Notice and Take downs), Proactive Efforts, Offline Enforcement and Stakeholder Collaboration. Within all these programmes Alibaba channel their energy on going after bad actors who are selling counterfeit goods on their platforms.

Alibaba shared results from their offline enforcement which takes unprecedented steps of initiation civil lawsuits against counterfeiters and even through covid were they raised 1711 cases of a counterfeit item being sold which led to identifying suspects of those infringing on brand owners IP rights.

The Alibaba Anti-Counterfeiting Alliance (AACA) see’s Alibaba facilitating discussions for a group of over one thousand brands, which allows the rights owners to lead on the actions. Alibaba discussed other groups like the SME Advisory Committee (SAC) that is to support Small Medium Enterprises who have a lack of resources on protecting IP and to help them with industry concerns and trends. All the work done by Alibaba is helping empower rights owners to be proactive and is allowing ACG brand owners to understand what they can do in partnership with Alibaba to help fakes being sold online.

There are more ACG Protecting Brands Online Roundtable’s in the pipeline for 2022. Watch this space as more details will be revealed. These roundtables are only one of the many benefits that brands get when they become an ACG Member.

About ACG

ACG represents more than 3,000 brands affected by this influx of fakes into the UK and delivers an international network of information, advice and contacts on all aspects of IP protection. Working with Government and law enforcement agencies since 1980, ACG is focused on providing an effective and sustained response to counterfeiting.

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